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Urban Cheer UK Policy:

Filming and Photography

Urban Cheer UK has a duty of care for the safety and welfare of all children and young adults competing in our events.  


All competing dance schools and their supporters, parents, guardians, and carers should adhere carefully to the following:


Dance school or dance squad leaders are responsible for acting as the point of contact between Urban Cheer UK and the parents, guardians and carers of the children and young adults competing at Urban Cheer events.  Dance school or dance squad leaders are responsible for ensuring their competitors are made aware of this communication chain.  Any and all restrictions on the filming and photography of competitors must be communicated clearly by dance school or dance squad leaders to Urban Cheer UK in advance.  


In response, we shall make the appropriate announcements and take the appropriate preventative measures in accordance with the communications received. 


Failure to follow any such announcements or instructions during the event may result in attendees being asked to leave the venue and may jeopardise any future attendance at Urban Cheer UK events.



Parents, guardians, and carers are permitted to film and/or photograph their own child or young adult.


If a child or young adult from your school cannot be filmed or photographed you must inform Urban Cheer UK in good time prior to the start of the solo event and we will make the necessary preventative arrangements to ensure there is no filming or photography for the duration of the section.




Dance school or dance squad leaders may nominate a single, responsible member of their party to film the team routine. 


Dance school or dance squad leaders may also nominate another single, responsible member of their party to photograph the team routine.


Other than this, Urban Cheer UK will not allow any other filming or photography of the team routine.  This not only protects the team members who are performing but also protects the dance school’s intellectual property and choreographic content.


Urban Cheer UK passes responsibility to dance school or dance squad leaders to ensure that their own team members have consented to any filming and/or photography that is undertaken directly by them.


If any other team or individual is seen to be filming or photographing the routine, Urban Cheer UK will halt the performance to take appropriate action. Those involved may be asked to leave the venue.  The team will have the opportunity to perform the routine once again without interruption.


Over and above these policy points, Urban Cheer UK reserves the right to undertake any such general filming and photography it considers appropriate for future promotional purposes.  In so doing, Urban Cheer UK undertakes to respect the privacy and artistic license of all individuals and teams involved.  Urban Cheer UK also undertakes to withdraw any promotional media used at the request of any dance schools and or dance squads involved.

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